SEA by My Friend Jen

  /  Contributors   /  Surviving COVID-19: The Story Of A Sickle Cell Goddess
Sickle cell warrior Nora Molongwe

Surviving COVID-19: The Story Of A Sickle Cell Goddess

The story of Nora Molongwe. A sickle cell patient and UK based Cameroonian Surviving COVID-19.

She is a Philanthropist and humanitarian as well as an International Cake Artist and a single mum of 4 Kids. She calls herself ‘The Sickle Cell Goddess‘ due to her selfless humanitarian works in her community and this is her story of surviving COVID-19.

I never used to take the outbreak of the coronavirus seriously, I thought to myself it was just something in Wuhan, in China.

I’m a sociable person and love my parties and meeting new friends. So on the weekend of March 7th, 2020, I attended an event where I bagged the Inspiring Young People Award 2020 in Bournemouth. Getting back home on the 8th of March 2020 in the evening, I started feeling unwell.

Award winner and Sickle cell warrior Nora Molongwe
Nora Molongwe received the the Inspiring Young People Award 2020 in Bournemouth

Testing Positive

I was experiencing acute chest pain. I took all pain killers which proved futile so I hurried off to the day clinic at King’s College Hospital London the next day. My doctor checked me and told me my chest was OK and my Hb had dropped. So she ordered for 2 units of blood. Due to the clinic closing time, only one unit could be transfused so I was told to come back next day, Tuesday for the next unit. On reaching there in the morning, I was having a temperature of above 40°C and I couldn’t breath well. I think this prompted my doctors to do the Covid-19 test. At about 6pm, my doctors walked in dressed with protective clothings. I thought they were coming from somewhere else but they had come to break the news that I had tested positive for Covid-19.

At that moment my heart sank and the question I asked my consultant was if I would ever see my children again. My Doctor kept filling me with positive words. I was so broken as they wheeled me into Isolation in hospital. Sitting in that room alone was one experience I won’t forget in a hurry. Seeing the nurses and doctors coming into my room all covered up made me feel like I wouldn’t see the next day. All I kept asking them was if I would see my four beautiful kids again. Being a single mum, my kids mean the whole world to me and the nurses kept reassuring me I would be well again and go back to my kids. They told me about others that had survived COVID-19. I accepted and then told myself,

“Nora you are leaving this bed alive.”

Nora and Dr Sara Stuart-Smith
Nora surviving COVID-19


I started laying my focus on my kids. I called them all the time and I took fear away from my mind. Then, 2 days later there was amazing improvement; I could breath on air without the oxygen mask and all my observations were amazing. The doctor said I look so strong and might go home soon. She left and came back an hour later to tell me I could actually leave the next day because I was doing so well. I couldn’t help but thank my doctors for taking good care of me. For uplifting me immensely.

Positivity made me survive Covid-19, and my medical personnel would ever remain my gods for life. Thank you Doctor Sara Stuart –Smith

I am so happy I was able to beat this virus and return back to my children.

Nora Molongwe survived COVID-19 and returned to her 4 children.
Nora with her 4 children

You can follow my journey on Instagram

@emelissmile @norabrowncakes

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